College Master Prof. Iu Vai Pan kicked off the Student Leadership Program by speaking about the new College Crest and Motto at the opening session.
From 8th to 11th August, Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) organized a four-day Student Leadership Program (SLP) for her student leaders to prepare for the new academic year. The Program encompassed a series of workshops and activities that helped student leaders realize the mission and goals of the University’s Residential College (RC) system, and equip with necessary practical skills and soft skills to lead and serve their fellow SHEAC students. A total of 40 student leaders, including Resident Tutors (RTs), Resident Assistants (RAs), House Association Executives, Officer and Working Group Chairs, participated in the program.
College Master Prof. Iu Vai Pan welcomed new generation of student leaders of SHEAC and gave opening remarks to kick off the SLP. Practical workshops covered such diversified topics as basic counselling skills, roles of student leaders in RC, college policies and procedures, skills of organizing student activities and proposal writing, and planning and presentations of freshmen orientation activities. All of these were conducted via group discussions, presentations, sharing, peer feedback and other interactive learning activities. The student leaders could also learn from each other, especially as experienced leaders would share their personal experiences to other less experienced leaders.
Built around the theme of “Together Everyone Achieves More”, a series of ice-breaking and team-building sessions were conducted to help its student leaders foster their rapport and team spirit. A “Team Challenge” comprising a selection of team competitions was designed to challenge their creativity, communication, teamwork and leadership awareness. Four teams were formed to score points from seven different team competitions. Their final scores would determine their ranking in the “Team Challenge”.

Student leaders took turns in teams to explain rules of kin-ball to each other.
The SLP ended on a high note on the last day with kin-ball team sports activities and friendly matches, and a formal closing dinner at St Regis Hotel. Through a series of learning activities and friendly matches of kin-ball, not only did the student leaders have fun, but also they have become more aware of the importance of joint effort and leadership.

Closing dinner to celebrate the end of the training and look forward to the upcoming freshmen orientation week.
At the closing dinner, the student leaders shared their common goals, and expectations on own leadership positions and personal growth. They also expressed that they have become much more familiar and developed trust with each other, and built up a stronger sense of responsibility. They are all eagerly looking forward to welcoming new and returning students, as well as the forthcoming challenges and opportunities in the new semester.
For the coming semester, SHEAC has 8 Resident Tutors (RTs) and 20 Resident Assistants (RAs) formed into six floor groups respectively responsible for the pastoral care of student residents on each floor of the College. The House Association is led by three Executives, an Officer and six Chairs respectively for five specialized Working Groups. The details about these student bodies and the student leaders can be found on the official website of SHEAC at https://sheac.rc.um.edu.mo/.

Student leaders shared their comments and suggestions on different cases that they would very likely encounter in the coming future.
我們準備好了! 你呢?何鴻燊東亞書院學生領袖計劃為新學年做好準備
8月8日至11日,何鴻燊東亞書院為新上任的2016/17年度學生領袖舉行了為期四天的學生領袖計劃訓練營,包含一系列的工作坊與活動,旨在讓新一屆學生領袖團隊意識到澳門大學住宿式書院制度的理念及目標,並幫助他們裝備好帶領和服務其他同學所必須具備的實用技能和軟技能。包括Resident Tutor、 Resident Assistant、學生會主席團與幹事共40位學生領袖參與了是次計劃。

Group photo of the SHEAC student leadership team with the Hong Kong Kin-Ball Association President and coach.
在新學年,何鴻燊東亞書院將有由8位 Resident Tutor及20位Resident Assistant組成的六個樓層小社群關注住宿同學的生活。書院學生會則由主席團與七位幹事所領導的五個工作小組組成。書院學生組織與學生領袖的詳細信息請參見書院的官方網站https://sheac.rc.um.edu.mo/。
- Student leaders took turns in teams to explain rules of kin-ball to each other.
- Mini games to warm up with fun and excitement.
- 同學們互幫互助學習如何玩健球這項新運動。
- Students helped each other learn how to play the new sports - kin-ball.