- 訪客們對同學從雲南大理帶回來的玫瑰蜜讚不絕口。
- Volunteers were enthusiastically promoting the concept and products of fair trade to high school students visitors.
- Families with children at UM Open Day.
- Volunteers were active to sell their handmade cookies to visitors.
- Volunteers provided assistance at the UM Open Day counter.
- 同學們在開放日也幫忙介紹書院。
On Sunday 29 March, 2015, the House Association (HA) of Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) held a charity bazaar cum carnival coincided the University’s Open Day. Apart from visiting the College and learning about student activities, the SHEAC HA hoped that it was a great opportunity to hold a fund-raising campaign for children in need – Two groups of SHEAC students are going to visit Sichuan and Yunnan during the service-learning trips organized by the College this summer.

Volunteers explained to the visitors about the earthquake disasters previously suffered by Yunnan and Sichuan.
Over the past month, even up until the day before the bazaar, students had been busy with the preparation and organization: from drafting proposals and workflows, recruiting volunteers, designing booth games, training to prepare made-to-order snacks, to purchasing materials, and promoting activity.
On the day, visitors were spoiled with choice: home-baked cookies and cupcakes, freshly made cotton candy and takoyaki (octopus balls), Dali rose honey, as well as a series of fun and dynamic games. In addition, a local fair trade and healthy concept store and the UM’s Entrepreneurship Society were invited to participate in the bazaar. The former offered various types of fair trade food and beverage, as well as handmade soaps; the latter offered a range of cute dolls, stationery, and small tools. A certain percentage of the total revenue was contributed as donation for the fund-raising campaign. Meanwhile, one SHEAC student performed live violin, offering visitors an alternative kind of enjoyment during the visit. Students even spoke through a microphone to attract visitors about the ongoing bazaar.
Taking it at heart to help children in the mountainous areas; using our abilities to do something; working together as a team, the participating students seemed to devoid of fatigue and totally immersed in the bazaar from noon to six o’clock. Their devotion had raised a total of MOP 8,136.1 for those in need in Sichuan and Yunnan. Through this series of activity, our fellow students also found the joy of helping others!
The funds raised in this event will be used for purchasing necessities or supporting development projects, through local non-profit organizations, for villagers and children in the remote areas of Jinggu in Yunnan and Shuimo in Sichuan. These locations are the destinations of the two forthcoming service-learning trips organized by the College this summer. A follow-up report will be released to provide the details about the implementation and usage of these funds.
By: Zhang Tianjiao, Year 1 Psychology (English) & Chen Xiaoshi, Year 1 General Business Studies (Chinese)
這些是給有需要孩子們的愛 ─ 何鴻燊東亞書院義賣為四川、雲南小朋友籌得超過八千元善款

The Milion puppet seemed to have already become a member of SHEAC. How could we miss him this time?
撰寫:工商管理系一年級學生 陳筱詩 (中文)及
心理系一年級學生 張天嬌(英文)