Pat Ng performing “Endless”.

The final of “Voice of SHEAC”, co-organised by the Social Activity and Communication Working Groups of the SHEAC House Association, was successfully held on the evening of 6th November. Having qualified from the preliminary round, the final eight contestants were very talented, each with their own characteristics. The judging panel included College Master Prof. Iu Vai Pan, Fellow and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Science and Technology Prof. Angus Lam Chi Chiu, and student singer Sally Li Jingyi.

Judges offering professional reviews

This competition consisted of two parts: the first part is an one-on-one elimination system where two contestants compete with each other, making a final four compete in the second part. The first contestant Sun Hongyi kicked off with a song named Mercury Records, and his opponent Hilton Chon steadily sang Those Very Adventurous Dreams of Yours. The second pair of contestants Pat Ng and Shirley Xiao presented two totally different styles, Pat’s Endless was powerful, while Shirley’s Curry Curry with dancing was very delightful. The third pair Herman Chiang and Winnie Ma respectively sang Cruel Moonlight which was melodious, and I Don’t Care which was very passionate. The last two contestants Iong Wai Sim and Shelby Lao each singing two different songs to further heat up the atmosphere.

Champion Hilton Chon received the award from College Master Prof. Iu Vai Pan.

Based on the three judges’ votes, Hilton, Herman, Shirley and Wai Sim made to the final round of competition. Hilton sang The Wrong Person which tended to bring back a lot of memories to the audience. Herman’s Wonderful Tonight created an imaginative space conjured in the minds of the audience. Shirley’s We Sleep Together was gentle but vivid. Iong Wai Sim’s Silence offered a perfect ending to the competition.

After three judges’ comments and discussions, together with the poll of the audience, Hilton won the championship. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful night.


By: Communication Working Group of SHEAC House Association

Wong Man Lon, Dave, Chinese Language and Literature 1 (English)

Lei Wai Man, Amanda, Portuguese Studies Year 2 (Chinese)


Shirley’s adorable performance of “Curry Curry”.




Award ceremony of the final of Voice of SHEAC


經過一輪激烈的比拼,最終秦曉彤、鄭皓文、肖莉株與翁慧嬋四位選手晉級第二輪。第二輪四位選手分別演唱的歌曲給人不同的風味,秦曉彤的《錯的人》感情豐富,仔細品來,寓意深刻;鄭皓文的《Wonderful Tonight》以英文演繹,使人身臨其境;肖莉株的《我們一起睡覺》溫婉動人,生動而又不失真情實感;翁慧嬋的《默》更是給東亞歌王決賽劃上完滿句號。

Everyone enjoyed a wonderful night.




葡文研究二年級學生 李蕙敏(中文)

中國語言文學系一年級學生 黃文麟(英文)