On 12th November, 2014, the Society and Community Service Working Group of Stanley Ho East Asia College successfully organized a visit to Caritas Macau Sunshine Center (previously known as Sheltered Workshop for the Disabled). This activity was intended to let students understand the living conditions of people with disabilities, so as to realize their perseverance in the face of adversity.
Center-in-charge Ms. Leong of Sunshine Center first introduced the aims and functions of the center and its history. The center provides various types of training to people with disabilities to enhance their employability for future job prospects. Then the students visited the IT department, which is mainly used to teach software used for administrative work and graphic designs. Their works, such as Christmas cards and calendar, were also showcased in the room. After that, the participants had a brief tour in the handicraft workstation, where trainees do works like souvenir making and general packaging.

Students made their own egg tart-like soaps in the workshop under the guidance of the trainees.
The students witnessed a group of trainees with different levels of disabilities completed fine pieces of handicrafts with efforts, and felt that the trainees proved their value to society.
At last, there was a DIY soap workshop guided by two trainees of the center. The participants chopped the raw materials, put the mixture into the micro-wave oven for heating, and eventually an “egg tart”-like soap was made. The students encountered difficulty in the production process, yet the trainees showed that making soaps was just a little piece of cake. At the end of the visit, the students bought some of their handmade products to show their support.
By: Communication Year 1 Student Ao Ka Wan (English) &
Faculty of Law Year 1 Student Yang Jiahui (Chinese)
2014年11月12日,由何鴻燊東亞書院學生會Society & Community Service Working Group舉辦一場名為「體驗創明坊」的熱心公益活動 ,組織同學參訪澳門明愛創明坊(前身為傷殘人士社會服務中心暨庇護工廠),意在體驗傷殘人士不一樣的生活模式,感同身受他們在逆境中生存的堅毅。
撰寫:法學院一年級學生 楊嘉暉(中文) 及
傳播學一年級學生 區嘉韻 (英文)