Candidates for the HA Executives election of the 2015/16 with the current HA Executives after the presentation session.
April witnessed the intense election of Executives of the House Association (HA) of Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) for the next academic year 2015/16. A total of nine candidates from different majors stood for the election, including eight youthful freshmen and a more experienced Year 3 student.
The self-nomination to run for election was officially launched on 9th April by the current 2014/15 HA Executives. On 20th April evening, a presentation session was held, where each candidate took the stage to deliver a three-minute speech, followed by Q&A by the audience. It was the first occasion for many candidates to make a public speech. The candidates seemed to be nervous and shy but were still brave to face the crowd and answered their challenging questions with convincing replies.
During the campaign period which ran until the midnight of 20th April, the candidates promote themselves using different campaigning channels on a fair basis: some candidates ‘swept’ all the floors to promote their candidacy and plans; some distributed small bags consisting of notepads to collect opinions about the College and a small card with the SHEAC mascot; some inclined to take advantage of various social media platforms, such as Facebook and WeChat, to overwhelm their campaigning messages and even short videos; a few showed their artistic talent, by a piano and singing promotion… Throughout the whole intensive campaign period, SHEAC students who were presented a better understanding of the candidates offered useful comments and suggestions. During the “cool-off” period (21st and 22nd), in accordance with the regulations of election, no campaigning in any forms should be conducted.

The humorous speech of one of the candidates earned a big round of laughter and applause.
On 23rd April, following the High Table Dinner, each candidate gave a three-minute formal campaign speech. This time, the candidates appeared to be unshackled from the anxiousness they showed a few days ago. As if wearing armors and being protected by an impregnable fortress, they had built up tremendous confidence. The passionate and moving speeches of the candidates put a fitting end to the whole election campaign that lasted for more than two weeks. Afterward, students casted their votes. In order to allow those who did not participate in the High Table Dinner to vote, polling stations were set up in the Refectory and the general office on the following day (24th April).
Each eligible voter had the right to select a maximum of three candidates in the ballot. Overall, 230 students casted their votes. The nine candidates altogether received a total of 556 votes. The top three vote getters were elected as the Executives of the House Association for the new academic year 2015/16. They are as follows (in alphabetical order):
- Mr. Leong Ngai In, Andrew (Law, Year 1),
- Miss Liu Yingxuan, Layla (Psychology, Year 1), and
- Miss Tam Si Teng, Sophie (Communication, Year 1).
Each received over 50% of votes in total. At the Valedictory Dinner to be held on 15th May, there will be a handover ceremony of the House Association. Please join us in giving our newly elected HA Executives a cordial welcome!
By: Liu Yingxuan, Psychology Year 1 (Chinese)

Following the concluding speeches by all the candidates of the election, students immediately casted their votes onsite.
開啓新的未來 — 何鴻燊東亞書院學生會2015/2016學年主席團競選
撰寫:心理學一年級學生 劉瀅萱(中文)
The Nine Candidates of the HA Executives Election for 2015/16:
- Fu Qiuming (Economics, Year 1)
- 夏威夷小結他課程師生們在高桌晚宴一起就座言談甚歡。
- The ukulele students and instructor had an enjoyable night at the High Table Dinner.
- 週二班的同學們表演了蔡依琳的《倒帶》。
- Students of the Tuesday class performed Jolin Tsai’s “Rewind”.
- 週四班的同學們彈奏了蘇打綠的《小情歌》。
- 2015/16年度書院學生會主席團參選同學們在競選宣講會後與本屆主席團合照留念。
- Li Wenjia, Janet (English, Year 1)
- Candidates for the HA Executives election of the 2015/16 with the current HA Executives after the presentation session.