On Monday 14th October, 2014, thanks to Fellow Dr. Joseph Sy-Changco’s recommendation, Stanley Ho East Asia College invited Mr. Ivan Gondoprastowo, a recent graduate of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, to share his experience in study, work and student organizations. Ivan is originally from Indonesia and is now working as an analyst at J.P. Morgan in Hong Kong. He focused on the ten things he had learned throughout his university life.
Ivan was amiable. He started by asking each participant’s name and major. Then he began with questions about the meaning of university, and shared ten things he had learned from university. He explained very amply and interacted with students at the same time. During the question session, the students were a little shy at first, but later the discussion became livelier, as more and more students put forward their questions and shared their perspectives. At the end, the sharing finished on a high note.
The sharing session helped the senior students open their horizon and make a better plan for their future. In addition, the freshmen also gained some advice on how to manage their life in university.
By: Electromechanical Engineering Year 1 Student Zhao Yuxin
分享交流會:「其實我在大學學會的10件事 – 應屆畢業生的角度」

Ivan shared with the College students his experiences gained from university.
Ivan 分享了他在大學生活中得到的寶貴經驗。
11月14日週一,何鴻燊東亞書院透過Fellow Dr. Joseph Sy-Changco邀請到了畢業於香港科技大學、現工作於摩根大通公司、來自印尼的Ivan Gondoprastowo向同學們分享了他在大學的經歷以及收穫。
這次活動對同學們十分有啟發作用,對高年級的同學來說,這次分享有助於他們對未來的規劃; 同時對剛剛進入大學的新生如何安排學習和生活也很有借鑒作用。
撰寫:科技學院機電工程系一年級學生 趙宇新