On Thursday 25th September, Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) House Association (HA) hosted a wonderful charity show in the open plaza between W11 and W13 on the campus. This event not only demonstrated the serious effort of both the performers and the HA leaders and members as the organizer, but also acquired other students and teachers’ encouragement and support.
At 7:30pm, a large crowd already gathered in front of the College. As the dusk came on, the long-awaited show began with a vibrant opening performance by the College’s band (Lai Yu-Ju, Tian Menghan, Andy Hou and Honey Chan).
The hosts Esther Song and Wesley Lao gave the audience a big surprise by introducing a special guest of the event – a very cute man-sized Minion (costume worn by a student volunteer). Everyone was very excited while seeing the Minion walking around. In addition to the performances, an array of commodities and “homemade” snacks were also up for sale at the venue.
Mila Zhang played piano and sang “When You” (當你). Sharon Wang also soloed “The Things You Don’t Know” (你不知道的事). Both showed very beautiful voices. Meanwhile, Zhong Shenke performed a popping solo with “Show Girl”, Liu Naibin played a violin solo “Csárdás Dance”, and Stephanie Ng played a piano piece “The Truth That You Leave”. All expressed their love and passion for music.
As a short break, more than a lottery, the Bingo games brought waves of laughter among the audience, adding some festive joy to the campus.
As the second half of the show began, Zhao Yuxin brought us an astonishing yo-yo show called “Twilight”, which really impressed the audience. It was followed by Sofia Zhang’s erhu solo “Mercedes-Benz in Prairie” and Janet Li’s violin solo “He’s a Pirate”. The team performance by Samuel Chang and Alan Vong of two beautiful songs “Endless Love” (新不了情) and “Youth Anthem” (青春頌) brought the charity show to a perfect end.
It is true that we did not have first-class actors or lighting and audio technicians. However, the performers prepared their parts seriously, organizers and helpers contributed quietly, and the students as audience showed enthusiastic support throughout the show. All these made almost every bit of this charity show flawless. Although the event had finished, the hard work of the organizers and performers, and the caring heart of students have moved many of us in the College and beyond. It lets us understand that spending time and effort meaningfully can also make us feel very happy.
By: Zhang Tianjiao, Sofia, Year 1 Psychology Student (Chinese draft)
我們的主持人宋文星(Esther)和劉永業(Wesley)同學為我們送出了第二份驚喜,請出了我們本次活動的特邀嘉賓——可愛的小黃人。緊接著張米拉(Mila)同學的鋼琴彈唱《當你》,還有王聖璐(Sharon)同學的獨唱《你不知道的事》,展現屬於青春的美妙的聲音。同時,鍾深珂同學的Popping Solo《Show Girl》,劉乃斌同學的小提琴獨奏《查爾達什舞曲》和吳佩雯同學的鋼琴演奏《The Truth That You Leave》也表達了對音樂的熱愛與追求。
下半場的演出開始,由趙宇新同學為我們帶來的花式悠悠球表演《暮光之城》著實讓現場的每位同學都大吃一驚。仿佛平時熒屏上那些悠悠球競技大賽的高手來到了我們的書院。隨後是張天嬌(Sofia)同學的二胡獨奏《奔馳在千里草原》與李文嘉同學(Janet)的小提琴獨奏《He’s a Pirate》。最後在曾譽昇(Samuel)和黃安麟(Alan)兩位同學優美的歌聲中,本次義演以《新不了情》和《青春頌》兩首歌曲畫上了圓滿的句號。
撰寫:心理學一年級學生 張天嬌(中文稿)
- “Come! We have a good selection of useful stationery and delicious snacks for you!”
- 觀眾不僅欣賞了現場表演,而且還玩了賓果遊戲!
- 同學們幫忙售賣賓果遊戲卡。
- Students helped to sell bingo cards.