Guest speaker Khenpo Sodargye from Serthar Larung Buddhist Institute in Garze in Sichuan
The Buddhist Society of the University of Macau Student Union (UMSU) and Stanley Ho East Asia College was honored to invite Khenpo Sodargye, one of the most renowned contemporary Buddhist masters, to speak on ‘How to Face Disasters’ in the afternoon on 9th June 2015 at the Student Activity Center Theater on the campus of the University of Macau.
Khenpo Sodargye has served at the renowned Serthar Larung Buddhist Institute in Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province since 1985. He is committed to writing Buddhist scriptures, translating Chinese and Tibetan classics, and promoting Buddhism.
The theater was almost fully packed, with students and teachers from the University of Macau, the Macau Institute of Science and Technology, and the Macao Polytechnic Institute, as well as with local residents. In the talk, Khenpo interpreted the fragility and impermanence of life, as well as the various reasons of increasing frequency of natural disasters in recent years, and everything is derived from a cause-and-effect relationship.

SHEAC College Master Prof. Iu Vai Pan presented a UM souvenir to Khenpo Sodargye
何鴻燊東亞書院院長姚偉彬教授 (圖左) 向索達吉堪布 (圖右) 致送紀念品
After the talk, under the lead by SHEAC College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan and students of the Buddhist Society, Khenpo visited the UM campus and the College. Khenpo praised the campus environment, and said that students and teachers of UM have gained a good fortune to have such a beautiful campus.
Written by Peng Xiangyi, History Year 3 Student (Chinese)

The audience listened attentively to Khenpo Sodargye’s thought-provoking perspectives on various problems facing the world
講座開始前一小時, 已陸續有聽眾來到澳門大學的學生活動中心。當中包括澳大、理工、科大的師生及本地居民,令演講廳差不多座無虛席。在講座中,堪布向我們闡釋了生命的脆弱與無常,以及近年來之所以天災人禍愈來愈多的諸方面的原因。這一切皆是因果使然。
講座結束後, 何鴻燊東亞書院院長姚偉彬教授和澳大佛教學會的同學們帶著堪布參觀了澳大校區及書院內部,堪布非常喜歡澳大的校園環境,並讚歎校園環境優美、舒適,澳大的師生很有福報。
撰寫:歷史系三年級學生 彭相宜(中文)
- 何鴻燊東亞書院院長姚偉彬教授 (圖左) 向索達吉堪布 (圖右) 致送紀念品
- The audience raised questions at the Q&A session.
- 演講廳差不多座無虛席
- 講座演講嘉賓四川色達五明佛學院大德索達吉堪布