On 29th October, with the theme of Halloween, Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) House Association held the “Annual Cultural Fest: Talent Show cum First Round of Inter-Floor Tournament” in the Student Activity Centre Theatre. This event comprised individual and group performances of band, singing, rap, martial art, dancing, and short drama. The honourable guests included College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan, Associate Master Professor Ip Weng Fai, Andy, Resident Fellows, and Non-resident Fellows and Affiliates.
The venue was decorated with numerous Halloween ornaments. The three masters of ceremony, Cheong Ka Ian, Li Junfei, and Xiao Lan, dressed in cloaks introduced the programme and performances for the event. The show began with martial art performances by the group led by Ng Chan Pong. Each of the performers tried their best to make difficult movements, and the audience were excited. Chan Kin Long followed to play guitar and sing “You will know how much I love you”. A special guest, Lam Chi Un, from the UMSU Rap Association brought the audience an amazing rap performance. Xiao Lan, Liu Ruilin and Sun Yuanqing performed a glamorous dance in Japanese costumes, bringing excitement to the audience. With seamless solidarity, Li Site and Chu Heng-Hsuan presented a modern dance called “Shining Stars”. The SHEAC band performed two songs at the end of the event.
Meanwhile, the event consisted of group performances produced by the six different floor groups for the inter-floor tournament. The second and the fifth floor students respectively sang a series of medley songs. The third floor students, the fourth floor students and the sixth and seventh floor students respectively brought a Korean pop dance to the stage. Dressed in movie costumes of “The Avengers”, the first floor students performed a short drama.
In the end of the show, Associate Master Dr. Andy Ip presented certificates of appreciation to guests and students of individual performances, while College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan announced the results of the first round of the Inter-floor Tournament. The winner goes to the second floor; whereas the first- and second-runner ups are respectively the fifth floor, and the sixth and seventh floors. The scores comprised audience poll and evaluation by guests, the latter of which was based on various criteria, including performance content and skills, as well as levels of floor participation, creativity and completion.
Written by: SHEAC House Association Communication Working Group
Portuguese Studies, Year 2 Student, Chen Yong Xin, Cathy (English)
Communication, Year 1 Student, Wong Cheng I, Angie (Chinese)
會場上佈置了許多萬聖節的裝飾品,活動由三位司儀張嘉恩、李峻飛和肖嵐同學身披斗篷在台上為大家介紹活動及各演出內容。上半段首先以吳振邦同學率領的武術團隊帶來精彩的《耀武揚威》,他們每個人都全力以赴,做出各種高難度的武術動作,觀眾們都看得熱血沸騰。陳健朗同學帶來自彈自唱《我多喜歡你,你會知道》的個人表演,而來自澳門大學說唱協會的表演嘉賓Lam Chi Un同學的《目不轉睛》亦令大家看得非常投入。肖嵐、劉睿琳和孫緣青同學穿上具有日本特色的表演服裝,獻上風情萬種的舞蹈表演《極樂淨土》,令全場氣氛達到又一高潮。接著是氣質滿分的當代舞表演,是由李思特和朱恆萱同學為大家準備的《Shining Stars》,兩位同學合作得相當好,台下掌聲不斷。在活動最後壓軸出場的何鴻燊東亞書院樂隊,為大家帶來兩首歌曲《體面》和《到此為止》。
樓層杯方面,二樓的同學們以串燒合唱歌曲形式表演《心跳的信號》,再來是六、七樓的同學們帶來活力十足的舞蹈《紅色味道》和蘇瑋俊同學十分帥氣的唱《不要去猜》。四樓的同學們則帶來勁道十足的舞蹈《New Face》。在活動的下半場,一樓同學們帶來《復仇者聯盟》的合唱短劇,同學們用心的換上電影裏角色的衣服,令整個表演都有趣多了。五樓的同學們帶來《青春串燒》歌曲串燒,他們還做了小視頻,讓大家能在聽歌的時候,慢慢回憶起在書院的日子,台下的觀眾紛紛舉起小燈為台上的同學打氣,場面十分溫馨感人。最後是三樓的同學們表演名為《心跳加速》的熱舞,為整個項目增添動感。
傳播學系一年級學生 黃菁兒(中文)
葡語研究學系二年級學生 陳泳欣(英文)
- Masters of ceremony introducing the event programme to the audience.
- 司儀張嘉恩、李峻飛和肖嵐同學為觀眾介紹演出內容。
- Medley singing and dance performance by the second floor students.
- Energetic K-pop dance by the fourth floor team.
- 四樓同學們帶來勁道十足的舞蹈《New Face》。
- Glamorous dance in Japanese costumes.