An infant student club has been thriving lately in Stanley Ho East Asia College – the Morning Club. This club was originated from personal interests of resident fellows and a few students from SHEAC and another residential college. As the number of participants has gradually increased, the founders have decided to make it a more structured student club. It has been around for over a year now. The main objective of the club is to motivate members to form a good habit of “early to bed and early to rise”.
For at least three mornings a week, the club would gather members to assemble at 6:55am in the College lobby, and start their exercise routine at 7:00am, either in the gym or the swimming pool. Before starting, the club convener Pinto He and/or resident fellow Edmond Yeung would guide participants to do warm-up exercise. Throughout the programme, club leaders would also share with members health advice concerning before and after fitness, for example, warm-up and cool-down exercises to prevent injuries, and what kinds of nutrients are needed for consolidating the effect of workouts.
During the morning exercise, all members see the efforts of the club leaders and take their participation quite seriously. After the activity, students express that morning exercise, especially when working out together with companions, is not as boring as it first seemed, and their mental state and enjoyment of exercise is also improved.
“A good day starts in the morning.” Many young people however tend to stay up late and get up late in the morning. This habit goes against the saying. Research finds that staying up late is equal to chronic suicide but many people ignore the risks of sleeping late.
Edmond points out that some students have the desire to get up early, but no action to do so. This is the most important issue. To solve this problem, you must create a kind of peer pressure for yourself to wake up early, for example, joining the Morning Club. The club leaders hope that more students will join the club and develop a healthy lifestyle.
In general, a good sleep and exercise habit is not only an attitude of life, but also helps you keep fit. So why not?
By: Communication Working Group
Chinese: Hou Chih San, Kevin, History Year 1
English: Ng Chung Wang, Alien, Business Administration Year 1

“A good day starts in the morning.” – Morning Club members walking to the University Sports Complex.
「一日之計在於晨」-Morning Club成員步行到大學體育館。
澳門大學何鴻燊東亞書院Morning Club,起初是因為書院導師和幾位同學的個人興趣而試行這項活動,隨著參與者的增加,組織者決定把它發展成比較有組織的學生興趣小組,至今成立了大約一年多。活動成立的目的是為了培養同學們的身體素質,養成早睡早起的良好生活習慣。
每週至少三個早晨,Morning Club會召集成員在早上六點55分在書院大堂集合,七時正到達澳大體育館的健身房或游泳池。在運動前,本活動召集人何智鈞同學或書院導師楊偉剛老師會帶領參加者做熱身。在本該項目中,小組導師和召集人還會跟同學們分享一些健康小建議,例如:熱身和降溫運動以防止受傷,以及健身後所需的營養以促進健身效果。在運動的過程中,可以看出同學們認真的神態,導師們的用心良苦。運動過後,同學們認為,清晨運動特別是與同伴一起鍛煉時並沒有想像中沉悶,而且自己在運動後,精神狀態有所提升,同時,也提高了對運動的好感度。
歷史系一年級學生 侯志三(中文)
工商管理一年級學生 伍仲鈜(英文)