On the evening of 11th October 2018, Stanley Ho East Asia College organised the Commencement and the first High Table Dinner of the current academic year. More than 300 college students participated in this event. The College invited Professor Peter A. Diamond, awardee of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (2010), as the guest of honours.
In the beginning, College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan delivered opening remarks, including encouragement to the college students and an introduction to the guest of honour. After College Master’s speech, the honourable guest Professor Peter Diamond shared his study and working experiences with the college students. Professor Diamond is Institute Professor and Professor of Economics Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. He had outstanding achievements over the areas of public administration, social security and macroeconomics. Professor Diamond was awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 2010.
During the dinner, along with the laughter, participants enjoyed the delicious food and warm company with each other. After the main course, it was the performance time. Yang Bohan, Angel (Business Administration, Year 1) brought to the audience a Guzheng solo “Lotus Ballad” and the diversified styles attracted the attention of everyone. The second performance was played by Dai Kunyao, Violet (Mathematics, Year 1), which was a piano solo “Nocturne opus 72 no.1”. The audience felt intoxicated in the wonderful rhythm. The event ended with group photo-shooting among students and guests. Yet, many students stayed in the refectory and took photos with friends to capture those beautiful moments.
Students who joined this event were mainly freshman. They felt interesting and a bit nervous about attending this kind of formal occasion for the first time. One of the freshmen expressed, “this High Table Dinner made me feel formal and was a meaningful experience to me. I talked to people around. In general, I had a great time.”
Written by: SHEAC House Association Communication Working Group
Communication, Year 1 Student, Liu Hancong, Hans (Chinese)
Government and Public Administration, Year 1 Student, Leong Chi Cheng, Lily (English)

Zhao Jiajun, President of House Association, served as the master of ceremony of the High Table Dinner.
2018年10月11日,澳門大學何鴻燊書院舉辦了本學年的首次高桌晚宴,吸引了超過300名院生參加。同時,書院邀請了世界著名經濟學家、2010年瑞典中央銀行紀念阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾經濟學獎得主彼得‧戴蒙特教授(Professor Peter A. Diamond)作為晚宴的榮譽嘉賓,爲本次活動增色不少。
大家在歡聲笑語中享受晚餐。用餐完畢,輪到了表演環節。楊博涵同學(工商管理系一年級)帶來《蓮花謠》古箏獨奏,演奏中各種多變的風格吸引了全場的關注。隨後,戴坤窈同學(數學系一年級)則帶來《Nocturne opus 72 no.1》的鋼琴獨奏,全場都沉醉在美妙的琴音中。高桌晚宴接近尾聲,全場分樓層分別與嘉賓們進行大合照。合照過後,也正式宣告本次晚宴圓滿結束。但大部分同學並沒有急於離場,而是繼續留在膳堂與朋友合照,想要留下這些美好的時刻。
傳播系一年級學生 劉瀚璁(中文)
政府與公共行政系一年級學生 梁芷晴(英文)