At the commencement of the event, College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan expressed his wish for everyone to have a great start of the new academic year. In his speech, Professor Billy So shared his experience in studying and education, and insights in achieving success in learning and future career.
Student Ms. Mou Ka Lei, Stephanie served as the master of ceremonies of the event. During the event, two pieces of classic music were performed by students. Ms. Yao Yue, Chloe, and Mr. Hong Cheok Nam, Henry played “Souvenirs D’Enfance” respectively on piano and recorder. Mr. Hong Cheok Nam, Henry, and Ms. Zhan Ziqing, Ching sang “Nessun Dorma” from Puccini’s opera “Turandot”.


晚宴上,毛嘉莉同學擔任主持。席間,幾位書院同學表演了兩首古典音樂。姚越同學和洪卓楠同學以鋼琴和直笛演奏《兒時回憶》(Souvenirs D’Enfance)。洪卓楠同學和詹子晴同學演唱了普契尼歌劇《圖蘭朵》中《尼桑·多瑪》(Nessun Dorma)。