On 14th November, 2018, the Sports and Health Working Group of Stanley Ho East Asia College House Association held the Fun Sports Day as the second round of the Inter-Floor Cup 2018/19. The objectives of the event were to help SHEAC students relax and build up stronger rapport with fellow floor members through a series of exciting competitive games.

Students learn teamwork and communication skills through different fun sport games.
The event was organised on a floor basis, and the students were divided into two big teams accordingly. Everybody tried their best to win the games for their floors. The key components of the games included an interesting mix of basketball shooting and running, picking ping-pong and tennis with chopsticks, finger guessing, as well as relay with various tricky challenges, such as skipping, playing hula hoop, and catching five pens at a time on an acupressure mat. The last game was dodge ball, which was highly expected by every participant.
In the end of the activity, the helpers calculated the total scores, and announced that the team comprising the second, fifth, and sixth and seventh floors was the champion of the Fun Sports Day.
Written by: SHEAC House Association Communication Working Group
Communication, Year 1 Student, Liu Hancong, Hans (English)
Biomedical Sciences, Year 1 Student, Chan Im Lei, Lily (Chinese)
Fun Sports Day樓層杯第二戰 東亞院生們一起動起來!
2018年11月14日,何鴻燊東亞書院學生會舉辦了Fun Sports Day。是次活動目的是讓院生們通過一系列有趣的競技運動放鬆一下心情,並增進與樓層小伙伴之間的感情。是次活動的分數也會計算入2018/19年度的樓層杯當中。Fun Sports Day是按層樓層來分配的,並以兩大組形式進行各項項目及積分。同學們都各自為自己的樓層努力完成各項活動,氣氛十分熱烈。
第一項項目名為「Golden Child」,一組的參加者輪流圍著籃球場跑,另一組則輪流投籃,當投籃成功時,相對應的院生即停止跑動留在原地;奔跑的最後一名院生即為Golden Child,當他經過未跑完全程的院生時,該院生會被「釋放」可以繼續奔跑。最後跑到終點的院生人數較多的一組獲勝。第二項名為「春種豐收」,每組各派八名院生負責用筷子夾乒乓球,兩名負責網球。院生需平隱夾起球後運送到指定籃子中,再跑回隊伍。最後一名院生完成運送後即需抱着籃子跑回隊伍,用時最少的組別獲勝。

The games were designed not only to enhance students’ team spirit, but also to raise their awareness of physical fitness.
生物醫藥系一年級學生 陳艷莉(中文)
傳播系一年級學生 劉瀚璁(英文)