Students running for the election spoke about their platforms after the High Table Dinner.
The 2015/16 House Association (HA) Executives launched the Election of the 2016/17 SHEAC HA Executives by officially accepting registration of candidacy on an individual basis on Monday 14th March, 2016. By the deadline to file candidacy, seven students decided to seek the executive positions:
- Mr. Fan Zicheng, Simba
- Mr. Feng Linzhe
- Mr. Lao Tang In, Michael
- Mr. Sou Wang Lik, Murphy
- Ms. Tam Si Teng, Sophie
- Ms. Yan Mingyu, Kadie
- Ms. Yin Shuheng, Astrid
On Monday 18th April, and right after the High Table Dinner on Wednesday 20th April, each of the seven candidates running in the election gave a short speech about their platforms and expectations. At around 9:45pm on 20th April, the ballot was officially commenced, and continued during the meal serving hours on the next day.
By the time voting closed at 8:30pm on Thursday 21st April, a total of 242 students cast their ballots. The ballot count was witnessed by Resident Fellows Dr. Kevin Huang and Dr. Sancia Wan, 2015/16 HA President Ms. Layla Liu and Vice President Mr. Andrew Leong, and Resident Assistants Ms. Isabella Long and Ms. Grace Wei. Each student could select a maximum of three candidates on the ballot. Ms. Tam Si Teng, Sophie, Mr. Fan Zicheng, Simba, and Mr. Sou Wang Lik, Murphy were announced the top three candidates who won a total of 344 votes, which equated to 58% of the 594 votes scored by all the seven candidates.
Let’s congratulate Sophie, Simba and Murphy for becoming the newly elected Executives of SHEAC House Association of 2016/17, and continue our support to the HA in the coming year!

Sophie, Simba and Murphy won the election to become the new Executives of SHEAC House Association of 2016/17.
- 參選同學們在高桌晚宴結束後進行了政綱宣講。
- Michael Lao 劉騰然同學
- 譚斯婷、范梓誠、蘇宏歷同學當選成為新一屆(2016/17)書院學生會主席團成員
- Kadie Yan 晏明羽同學
- Feng Linzhe 馮霖喆同學