Image 1: Over 250 students and staff gathered to celebrate the “Thanksgiving and Christmas Party cum Award Ceremony. 圖1:超過250名師生及職員一起歡渡「感恩及聖誕節派對暨書院獎項頒贈儀式」。

Image 2: Interim College Master Prof. Kathy Luo presents various certificates to students, recognizing their participation and contribution to the college! 圖2:代院長羅茜教授向院生頒發各類獎狀,表揚院生們的傑出表現,希望同學們能繼續在書院發光發熱!

Images 3 & 4: In SHEAC, talented individuals transformed the dinner into the perfect stage for their performances, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere even amidst the cold winter. 圖3&4:東亞多才子,晚宴正好成為他們表演的舞台,歌聲音樂聲成為各位最好的「伴菜」,也在寒冷的冬天夠感受到濃濃的暖意。

There is a saying in Cantonese: “Treasures sink to the bottom,” meaning that good things are often discovered last. This year’s “Thanksgiving and Christmas Party cum Award Ceremony” at SHEAC truly embodies this proverb.

On the evening of November 28, Stanley Ho East Asia College hosted this event, where over 250 students and staff gathered to celebrate these two significant holidays and recognize the outstanding achievements of students over the past year. During the ceremony, our Interim College Master, Prof. Kathy Luo, presented the “UM RC Foundation Scholarship” to 21 students who have advanced to their second year, acknowledging their involvement, participation, and contributions during their freshman year.

Additionally, we awarded certificates and vouchers to encourage 50 students to maintain good hygiene habits and contribute to a positive living environment in the college.

Academically, this year, 28 students received various academic scholarships from the University of Macau. Among them, Li Xiang achieved an exceptional milestone by winning the first prize in the “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition. On this special evening, Prof. Luo presented certificates to encourage these students to continue striving for excellence in their academic pursuits.

After Prof. Luo shared her warm wishes with the students, the dinner commenced. While enjoying a delightful meal, students participated in activities prepared by the House Association of Stanley Ho East Asia College and their peers. These included performances of “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” and “You Raise Me Up,” as well as musical pieces like Debussy’s “Clair de Lune” and Sakamoto’s “Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.” There were also Latin dance and street dance performances, along with a gift exchange and Bingo games.

Seeing the smiles on the students’ faces and hearing their applause and cheers, we knew that this final major event of the year had concluded successfully. It provided a beautiful summary of college life for the year and recharged students as they prepared for their first-semester exams.





在代院長羅茜教授為院生送上溫馨的寄語後,晚宴隨即開始。院生們在享用豐盛菜餚的同時,也享受著院生會及同學們為活動精心準備的活動,包括同學們獻唱《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》及《You Raise Me Up》;演奏法國音樂《月光》及日本音樂《聖誕快樂勞倫斯先生》;表演拉丁舞蹈及街舞;以及交換聖誕禮物及Bingo活動。


Image 5: No evening party is complete without the beautiful girls of SHEAC! Their dance showcases confidence and charm of their own. 圖5:晚會怎能少了東亞的美少女?舞蹈展現出屬於她們的自信魅力。

Image 6: The girls’ dance performance brought the evening’s atmosphere to new heights. 圖6:姊妹們的舞蹈演出將晚會氣氛推向高峰。

Image 7: The success of the evening party was largely attributed to the diligent planning and preparation by the House Association of SHEAC. The image is a group photo of Prof. Luo with the team. 圖7:晚會的成功舉辦,實有賴院生會同學們的精心策劃和預備。圖為羅院長與工作組同學們的大合照。