Image 1 & 2: Some students’ rooms are as clean and tidy as model rooms, demonstrating their high standards for their living spaces (images published with the students’ consent). 圖1及2:部分同學的房間如同樣板房般乾淨整齊,顯示出他們對居住環境有著極高的整潔要求(圖片已獲得同學同意發佈)。
Image 3: The college’s first Clean Room Challenge received enthusiastic participation, resulting in awards for nearly 50 students. At the “Thanksgiving and Christmas Party,” Interim College Master Prof. Kathy Luo presented these students with certificates and vouchers to recognize their achievements. 圖3:書院首次舉辦的 Clean Room Challenge 反響熱烈,吸引了多達 50 名學生獲獎。在「感恩及聖誕節派對」上,書院代院長羅茜教授向他們頒發證書和禮券,以資鼓勵。
SHEAC is a second home for our students, where they spend at least four years of their lives.
The concept of “living” extends beyond mere accommodation; it encompasses communication, sharing, learning, and entertainment among students, as well as a deeper understanding of how to live well.
A fulfilling life is rooted in a clean, tidy, and organized living environment. This year, the college launched its inaugural “Clean Room Challenge” to encourage students to tidy and organize their living spaces, thereby enhancing their quality of life. We extend our gratitude to Interim College Master Prof. Kathy Luo for her unwavering support. This year, 50 students were recognized for their efforts, achieving a total score of B+ or above based on 12 specific evaluation criteria.
The teachers and student leaders serving as judges were genuinely surprised by the cleanliness of many students’ rooms, feeling as if they had stepped into “model rooms.”
We appreciate all the participating students and hope this event inspires even more students to elevate their quality of life through cleaning and organizing their living spaces.