Photo 1: Six activities were organised for the elderly, including festival celebrations in a local church and providing in-home services to elderly through our Love Soup Service. 圖一:本年度我們舉辦了六次老友記活動,包括到祐漢宣道堂為長者舉辦節慶活動,以及透過愛心湯上門服務,探訪長者並與他們傾談。

Photo 2: Four events were organised with ethnic minority groups, aiming to foster a more diverse cultural atmosphere. This photo shows our visit to the Macau’s mosque, where we had sharing with the Indonesian Muslim community. 圖二:我們舉辦了四次與少數族裔的交流活動,希望藉此推動更多元的文化氛圍。圖為我們到訪澳門唯一的清真寺,與在澳門工作的印尼穆斯林群體交流。

Photo 3: SHEAC has maintained a strong atmosphere of animal care and protection. The House Association has organised 10 animal care activities in 2023-2024, caring for approximately 130 animals. 圖三:書院一直有很強的動物保護氛圍。因此,院生會特別統籌動物照料事工,在2023-2024學年,我們共舉辦了10次相關工作,照顧約130隻小動物。

Photo 4: To provide quality service, it is essential for our students to understand the community’s needs. Therefore, several community tours were organised to allow students to step into the community and learn about its history and issues. The photo shows a community tour session conducted in English, enabling international students to also understand the history of poverty in the Northern district. 圖四:社區服務要做到優質,必須讓同學了解社區的需要,因此我們舉辦了多場社區深度遊,讓同學親身進入社區,了解社區歷史與面貌。圖為社區深度遊英文場次,讓外藉學生都能了解北區的貧窮歷史。

Photo 5: Different parties in Macau have continued to organise in-depth seminars, allowing participants to gain a deeper understanding of the society and culture. The photo shows a seminar on “The Inheritance and Development of Local Customs and Culture,” in which students from the “Community Tour Guide” training programme participated. 圖五:澳門政府及民間都持續舉辦深度講座,讓我們透過專家的講解,深入了解澳門社會與文化。圖為《地方信俗文化的傳承與發展》講座,讓「社區引路人」導賞員培訓計劃的同學參與。

In the 2023-2024 academic year, Stanley Ho East Asia College has strengthened community service initiatives. The SHEAC House Association and Volunteer Team recruited 30 passionate students to become “core members” of community service projects. They helped launch four service projects to continuously serve minority groups, including the elderly, ethnic minorities, animal care, and college recycling work.

The core members were responsible for community communication, activity planning, promotion, and execution. Over the past year, the College organised 20 community service activities and 41 recycling works, with 372 student participants. They served 435 individuals, cared for 130 animals, and recycled 256kg of materials.

Through continuous learning, understanding community needs, and good preparation, the students accomplished to provide consistent quality service, despite the need of further improvement in various types of professional skills. Throughout the semesters, 19 additional activities were organised to equip the students with helping skills and deepen their understanding of the local community, such as community tours and “Community Guide” training. A total of 309 students participated in these activities.

In the coming year, the College will continue the four service projects, allowing the core members to consistently serve the same groups. Other students are involved in parts of the work through activities coordinated by the core members. Through this experiential learning process, newcomers will become a new force driving the College’s community service efforts.




