On the evening of 15th May 2015, Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) held a Valedictory Dinner at Mandarin Oriental Hotel to celebrate the graduation of the 2015 class and the end of the 2014/15 academic year. The whole College community would wish the SHEAC graduates move forward to meet other new challenges and enter a new chapter in life.

College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan wished the SHEAC graduates a very bright future.
In the afternoon, the graduates of the valedictory dinner organizing group as well as the colleagues of the general office came to the hotel early enough to decorate the venue delicately. At around seven o’clock, guests and students arrived at the hotel, and were very excited to take photos at the photography corner with chic décor and funny props.
Four graduates majoring in English Studies, including Ms. Liang Liuting, Fa, Mr. Liang Ziming, Jim, Ms. Yu Ruiwen, Ashley, and Ms. Xu Yingjun, Anlita, served as the emcees of the event. Their entertaining style brought a lot of joy to the atmosphere. College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan gave a brief opening speech, and presented the 2014/15 Annual College Awards to the recipients as well as certificates of appreciation to all the student leaders of the College. Among the College Awards, Ms. Tam Si Teng, Sophie (Communication, Year 1) was awarded the “Collegiality” award; Ms. Xue Zilu Rebecca (History, Year 3) and Mr. Tang Chao, Steven (International Business Law, PhD Year 3) both received the “Leadership” award; Mr. Cai Jing, Eric (General Business Studies, Year 1) won the “Service” award.

Ms. He Jiaqi, Loki spoke of her joyful life and rapport with friends in the College.
During the dinner, four graduate representatives delivered their valedictory speeches: Ms. He Jiaqi, Loki (Accounting) expressed how the friendship she had established with other College students had made her university life so cherishable, and how much she would miss the life in the College and the University after graduation. With literary talent, Mr. Liang Ziwei, Wayne (Economics) spoke with moving eloquence to describe his daily life spent with his buddies in the College. Without any speech notes in hand, Mr. Lao Weng Ip, Wesley (Financial Controllership) talked in a relaxing and humorous style to explain how he came to join the College, and became a Resident Assistant and eventually the Vice President of the SHEAC House Association. With real sentiments, Mr. Huang Ronghui, Ron (Master in E-commerce Technology) portrayed his ups and downs, as well as the unforgettable people and moments he encountered over the years in the College and the University. After listening to and touched by each valedictorian’s speech, the audience gave a loud and warm applause.

Mr. Liang Ziwei, Wayne recalled his memorable moments spent with buddies met in SHEAC.
The dinner continues, and graduation is not an end but a beginning of another stage in life. The hotel offered a wide variety of Chinese, Japanese and Western cuisine. The delicious food had gradually filled everyone’s stomach, but it was difficult to wipe away the farewell sentiments.
The end of the valedictory dinner was the simple but solemn ceremony of handover of the SHEAC House Association from the 2014/15 Executives to the 2015/16 Executives. Former President Ms. Xue Zilu, Rebecca delivered her short but touching retirement speech. With former Vice-President Mr. Lao Weng Ip, Wesley, Rebecca transferred the heavy but honorable responsibility of the House Association to the new Executives, President Ms. Liu Yingxuan Layla (Psychology), and the Co-Vice-Presidents Ms. Tam Si Teng, Sophie (Communication) and Mr. Leong Ngai In, Andrew (Law in Chinese).
Without saying goodbye, a farewell will not be sad. At the end, students and teachers all grabbed their cameras to record such memorable moments. Sometimes, words are not unnecessary; but let’s make these beautiful smiles of friends around us frozen in time on this night, nothing more.
The Annual College Awards are nominated by all students of the College towards the end of the second semester every academic year. These include “Collegiality”, “Leadership” and “Service” awards. The nomination list would be discussed and evaluated by the College Master, Associate Master and Resident Fellows together. The awardee of the “Collegiality” award should be a positive SHEAC student member who has actively engaged in diverse aspects of college life and made a significant contribution through enthusiasm and dedication to the College. This individual should be the kind of person who inspires others by example. The “Leadership” award is for an SHEAC student who has been an excellent student leader in the College. The “Service” award is given to an exceptional SHEAC student who has been productive in general college life or contributed a significant part of the organization of college and student activities in SHEAC.
本次晚宴由四名英語研究專業的大四畢業生─梁柳婷同學、余瑞文同學、許英均同學和梁紫明同學主持,他們以詼諧幽默的語調開場,爲現場增添了不少歡樂。晚宴先由院長姚偉彬教授上臺致辭,並分別頒發2014-2015學年度書院獎項及感謝狀予獲獎同學及學生領袖們,以表揚他們這一年裡為書院社群及同學們作出的貢獻。其中,一年級譚斯婷同學(傳播學)獲選為「模範書院生」,「傑出領導」獎項由書院學生會前任主席薛子璐同學(歷史學)還有Resident Tutor唐超同學(國際商法學博士生)共享,而另一位一年級生蔡靖同學(工商管理)則榮獲「傑出服務」獎項。

Mr. Tang Chao, Steven (left) and Ms. Xue Zilu, Rebecca (middle) both received the “Leadership” Award.
書院學生會前任主席薛子璐同學(中)還有Resident Tutor唐超同學(左)一起獲得「傑出領導」獎項。
晚宴期間,由四位畢業生代表逐一上臺致辭:何嘉琪同學(會計學)用親切的話語表達了對書院對大學生活的喜愛與懷念,她與書院其他同學建立的友誼如何令自己對大學生活如此珍愛。梁子為同學(經濟學)更是展現文采,以動人的修辭描述了他與書院摯友一起度過的日常點滴。劉永業同學(企業財務監控)在沒有撰寫講稿的情況下,用輕鬆幽默的演講風格,解釋了他如何以一個本地生的身份加入書院,成為學生助理,並且最終擔任SHEAC學生會副主席,以及當中的領悟。最後,電子商務科技研究生兼Resident Tutor黃榮輝同學用着矯情但卻實在的文字,刻畫出自己多年來在大學及書院的起起落落,遇上的難忘的人和事,感動了現場的每一個人。聽畢各畢業生代表的惜別辭,臺下的同學們也回以熱烈掌聲。

The hosts as graduates could not resist from tearing while speaking of the departure of friends and themselves.
撰寫:心理學一年級學生 劉瀅萱(中文)
- Students arrived early in the afternoon to help decorate the event venue.
- 同學們早在下午來到酒店,以協助裝飾場地。
- Reception of the valedictory dinner decorated by students.
- College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan wished the SHEAC graduates a very bright future.
- 院長姚偉彬教授祝願書院畢業生前程似錦。
- Ms. Tam Si Teng, Sophie was awarded the “Collegiality” Award.
- Certificates of appreciation were presented to the Resident Tutors for their pastoral care for their floor members and continued support in the College over the past year.
- 一眾Resident Tutors獲頒發感謝狀,以肯定他們在過去的一年對於樓層同學們的看顧及對書院的貢獻。
- The Resident Assistants were thanked for their help in the College.
- Ms. He Jiaqi, Loki spoke of her joyful life and rapport with friends in the College.
- Mr. Liang Ziwei, Wayne recalled his memorable moments spent with buddies met in SHEAC.
- 梁子為同學回憶起自己在書院與好友們度過的難忘時刻。