Freshmen listening attentively to the introduction to the College by SHEAC College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan.

HA leaders eagerly introducing different College clubs and activities to freshmen.
With the sound of cicadas, Stanley Ho East Asia College started a new semester. “2018-2019 Treasure of SHEAC” was organised as the freshmen orientation series this year. A series of activities and briefing sessions were held to help freshmen get familiar with different aspects of their new University and College life, get to know each other and make new friends.
On the two days of move-in, even though the temperature was high, members of the College were enthusiastic. The seniors guided the freshman to enter the College and prepared everything for them. After two busy days, most of the SHEAC freshmen had settled down.
During the “Treasure of SHEAC” series, the House Association organised an introductory session about college life and the House Association. The freshmen were also divided into groups, led by seniors as their group “parents”, to join various ice-breaking and treasure hunt games.
More than 120 students joined the last activity “Hac Sa barbecue” on 18th August. The freshmen orientation series ended in an energetic and warm ambience.
Written by: SHEAC House Association Communication Working Group
Communication, Year 1, Wong Cheng I, Angie (English)
Communication, Year 1, Tang Wai Man, Jess (Chinese)

Freshmen got to know and made friends with other members of the same floor through floor orientation activities.

Student leader patiently explaining to freshmen the University’s course selection system.
「謎の東亞寶藏」的第一站——「書院生活介紹會」。在8月16日的上午,首先由本屆院生會的主席趙嘉俊與兩位副主席陳家鈴和胡鸝藻為大家介紹今屆院生會「The One」的內部成員架構,再來有六個部長的自我介紹,還有各部門招新的環節。現場氣氛熱烈,很快報名的單子就疊滿了箱子,緊接下來就是公佈13個小組及其組爸組媽,同學們都聚在一起,互相了解認識。
傳播系一年級學生 鄧慧敏(中文)
傳播系一年級學生 黃菁兒(英文)
- 天公造美,書院學生會迎新營在晴朗的天空下順利完成。
- The HA Ocamp was organised smoothly under the bright and clear sky.
- Student leaders welcoming freshmen’s arrival.書院學生領袖熱情地歡迎新生的到來。
- 新生通過樓層活動與同一樓層的其他同學們結識並交朋友。
- HA leaders eagerly introducing different College clubs and activities to freshmen.