SHEAC College Master Prof. Iu Vai Pan hosted a welcome reception for freshmen to kick-off the orientation program in the College. 何鴻燊東亞書院院長姚偉彬教授主持新生歡迎會,為書院迎新活動系列揭開序幕。

SHEAC College Master Prof. Iu Vai Pan hosted a welcome reception for freshmen to kick-off the orientation program in the College.

Stanley Ho East Asia College, her House Association, and floor leaders, with collective effort, successfully held a series of freshmen orientation program in the past week before the commencement of the new academic year. Through a series of diversified activities, not only did the freshmen have fun together, but also these were good opportunities for them to get to know each other, build up a sense of belonging to the College, and develop expectations of their new university life.

Immediately upon their arrival at the campus, freshmen of the College were warmly welcomed by student leaders who offered a generous hand and passionately introduced the physical facilities and various aspects of daily life in the College.

During the evenings, floor leaders organized welcome gatherings and ice-breaking games so as to let freshmen get to know other floor members. Orientation activities of various scales were also held by the House Association. Ice-breaking games allowed the participants to get familiar with each other as well as to realize how to cooperate effectively with people from different backgrounds. In the campus orienteering activity, not only were freshmen able to become more familiar with the campus through tailor-made walking routes and exciting games at various checkpoints across the University, but also did they realize the importance of team spirits. The whole orientation program ended on a high note with the joyful barbecue gathering, with the participation of over 130 freshmen and upper-class students.

SHEAC freshmen at the University Convocation. 東亞書院新生參加大學開學典禮。

SHEAC freshmen at the University Convocation.

Guess from which floor these folks are? 猜猜這些小伙伴是來自哪個樓層?

Guess from which floor these folks are?

After such an exciting orientation week, with a blink of an eye, the new semester has already started. The past week brought every piece of us lots of magnificent memories. These activities were more than making freshmen feel the energy of the College, but they also perfectly gave them a sense of belonging so that they would understand that the College is not just a place to sleep or rest; instead, it is a big united family for students to cultivate their futures.

By: Lai Yu-ju, Vicky, General Business Studies Year 2

Group photo after a series of exciting ice-breaking games. 完成一系列令人興奮的破冰遊戲後合影留念。

Group photo after a series of exciting ice-breaking games.






A freshman asking a sophomore for advice on course enrollment.  大一新生向大二學姐詢問有關選科的問題。

A freshman asking a sophomore for advice on course enrollment.



撰寫:工商管理二年級學生 賴鈺儒