Stanley Ho East Asia College held “The Potential to Love, The Capacity to Hate” Filmy Knowledge Series in October and November. Prof. Newman Lam, SHEAC Fellow and Associate Professor of Department of Government & Public Administration, initiated and hosted the film appreciation and discussion series. He shared his views and opinions on the films, while students also reflected upon the deep meaning of love and hatred.

Students and teachers joined in to sharing their own thoughts after watching the film.
The film review series include three award-winning films: The Blind Side (2009), Do the Right Thing (1989), and To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). Reviewed in the first session, The Blind Side tells a story about how the kindness of a white woman had changed the life of a black teenager who went on to become one of the greatest offensive linemen in the National Football League (NFL) history, and how this teenager had also changed the lives of the white woman’s family.
Prof. Newman Lam concluded by emphasising the significant impact of love on our lives. His words aroused inspiration among participating students. One of the students Tong made a remarkable comment: everyone has blind spots, but our beloved ones are always there to help us overcome them.
The other two sessions respectively on Do the Right Thing and To Kill a Mockingbird were also successfully held on 8th November and 22nd November.
By: Communication Working Group of SHEAC House Association Che In Man, Yulie, Communication Year 1 (English) Li Yingqi, Vinky, Business Administration Year 1 (Chinese)
何鴻燊東亞書院「愛的潛力,恨的能力」電影系列放映暨分享會 探索日常生活中問題

Prof. Newman Lam introduced the background and meaning of the film series to the participants.
第二套電影《為所應為》和第三場放映會《殺死一隻知更鳥》亦分別已於11月8 日及11月22日晚上圓滿舉辦。
撰寫:何鴻燊東亞書院學生會通訊工作組 工商管理系一年級學生 李穎祺(中文) 傳播系一年級學生 謝燕雯(英文)