As the new academic year begins, freshmen embark on an exciting new chapter in their lives. However, the differences from high school can also make newcomers feel a bit anxious. To help them adapt more quickly to university life and the residential college environment, we have organized a series of engaging activities from 12 to 24 August, 2024. These allow students to integrate into our community under the guidance of senior students, while also building friendships and support networks.



Images 1 and 2: Senior students warmly welcome new residents and assist them with the procedures for moving into the college. 圖一及二:學長學姐熱烈歡迎院生,並協助他們處理入住書院的手續


Images 3 and 4: The House Association and Residential student leaders organized various activities to help freshmen become familiar with their new environment. 圖三及四:院生會及樓層學生領袖,分別舉辦不同的活動,讓新生們能盡快熟悉起來


Images 5, 6, and 7: BBQ is our first large-scale event. Freshmen had a great time playing with senior students. 圖五、六、七:開學前,我們迎來第一次大型活動,黑沙燒烤,新生們與學長學姐玩得不亦樂乎