Ivory linen, shining tableware and regalia metamorphosed the Refectory into a classic banqueting hall. The scenario was not from a film, but rather, the Commencement Dinner of Stanley Ho East Asia College, which indicated the open of Commencement of 2015/16.
The High Table Dinner, an iconic dinner assembly of SHEAC was held at the Refectory for the first time of the academic year of 2015/16 on 16th September. The occasion was attended by Guest-of-Honour Prof. Martyn Evans, Principal of Trevelyan College, University of Durham; Prof. Iu Vai Pan, College Master of Stanley Ho East Asia College, as well as about 300 College members, fellows and students.
The dinner was started with a traditional procession of guests and academics. After Prof. Iu’s warmly welcome and brief introduction of the forthcoming events in SHEAC, the Guest-of Honour, Prof. Martyn Evans delivered an inspiring speech on what a freshman should expect to learn in the coming semester, and what he wishes students to learn during their university life. Prof. Evans shared his wisdom and reflection about modern higher education and life learning with audiences.
During the dinner, student pianist Wang Jingxin (Year 2 in Government & Public Administration) sublimed the atmosphere of the dining hall with two universally appreciated solo piano pieces, River Flows in You and New Moon.
Drawing the curtains to a joyful end to the dinner, Guest-of-Honour, College Master, Associate Master and Fellows remained to take photos with the students.
By: Xie Yi, Joy, Year 2 History Student; and
Dr. Jerome Zhang, Resident Fellow
本學年的第一次高桌晚宴,SHEAC的標誌性書院傳統,於九月十六日晚在書院膳堂舉行。特約嘉賓來自英國德拉謨大學特弗萊恩學院的院長Martyn Evans教授,何鴻燊東亞書院院長姚偉彬教授以及近三百師生參加是次晚宴。
宴會在傳統的入場儀式中開始。在姚院長的歡迎辭以及對書院的介紹後,特約嘉賓Martyn Evans教授發表了精彩的演講。在演講中,Evans教授對同學們提出了就學的展望,告訴同學們在新的學年應該有怎樣的追求與目標,並與同學分享了他自己對人生、學習、生活以及高等教育的感想與思考。席間,王婧馨(政府與公共行政學系二年級)輕快靈巧演奏《你的心河》及《新月》兩曲鋼琴獨奏將晚宴的氣氛引入高潮。
撰寫:歷史系一年級學生 謝亦 及
書院導師 張派予博士