Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) opened its doors to the general public on the Open Day hosted by the University of Macau on 12th January 2025 (Sunday). More than 800 prospective students, parents, and community members delved into a variety of experiential learning activities and toured college facilities at SHEAC.
The activities organized by SHEAC for the Open Day were designed around the learning competencies under the residential college community and peer education of UM, including:
- charity bazaar and games previously designed by the volunteer team for the elderly (service and leadership, and teamwork and collaboration),
- eco-friendly DIY workshop on coffee ground body scrub (responsible citizenship),
- traditional sport mini-games (healthy lifestyle),
- Spring couplet writing workshop and live band performances (cultural engagement), as well as
- mini justice workshop (knowledge integration).
In the guided college tours, visitors interacted with senior students of SHEAC and gained insights into university life. They could also experience the communal dining at the dining hall of the College.
In the afternoon, SHEAC welcomed a group of 30 students and teacher from Hou Kong Middle School. They were warmly received by College Master Prof. Kathy Luo, and introduced to the history and recent development of the College.
Our deepest appreciation must be extended to more than 80 student volunteers from SHEAC. Special thanks also go to visitors who generously donated to our charity bazaar. We have raised a fund of MOP 3,010, which will be donated to Shangbei Primary School in Xiushui County, Jiangxi of Mainland China, for improvement of their teaching facilities.
Highlights of the Day
超過 800 名訪客在澳大開放日參觀何鴻燊東亞書院及參與多項體驗式學習活動
- 愛心義賣及書院過往為長者服務而設的小遊戲攤位(服務與領導、團隊協作)
- 環保咖啡渣磨砂膏工作坊(公民責任心)
- 傳統運動小遊戲(健康生活)
- 揮春書寫工作坊及現場樂隊表演(文化參與)
- 迷你公平與正義討論工作坊(知識整合)