
Between 7th and 9th August, 2014, a Student Leadership Orientation Program (SLOP) was successfully held at SHEAC, with more than 30 student leaders of the College, including the Resident Tutors, the Resident Assistants, the Executives and Working Group Chairs of the House Association, participated. The student leaders attended a series of talks, training workshops, and team building activities. They learned about different leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills, as well as the policies and emergency procedures. The student leaders also held discussions about the upcoming orientation activities for freshmen and returning SHEAC students. The SLOP ended on a high note with a formal dinner hosted by the College Master Prof. Iu Vai Pan at the stunning Refectory, the heart of the College. The SLOP would have not been successful without the enthusiastic participation of the student leaders and the devoted support by the College office. The leadership team and every student leader of SHEAC are now ready to welcome more than 200 freshmen in the coming few days!



2014年8月7至9期間,何鴻燊東亞書院學生領袖培訓計劃成功舉行,書院的30多名學生領袖,包括Resident Tutors、Resident Assistants,以及書院學生會的主席團和工作小組幹事參加了一系列會議講座、培訓工作坊和團隊建設活動。學生領袖們學習到不同的領導、人際交往和團隊合作能力,以及行政和應急程序。學生領袖們也就迎新活動進行了一連串討論。由書院院長姚偉彬教授主持的正式晚宴正式為該培訓課程畫上完美句號。該培訓計劃成功舉辦有賴學生領袖的熱情積極參與,以及書院辦公室盡心盡力支持。SHEAC的領導團隊和每個學生領袖都已經準備好在未來的幾天迎接二百多位新生的到來!