Professor Robert Merton gave an insightful speech at the High Table Dinner. 羅伯特·默頓教授在高桌晚宴上發表了精闢的演講。

Professor Robert Merton gave an insightful speech at the High Table Dinner.

On Sunday 7th December, Stanley Ho East Asia College (SHEAC) held a Master’s Tea and the second High Table Dinner. SHEAC was honored to be able to invite Professor Robert C. Merton, Laureate of the 1997 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and this year’s recipient of an honorary doctorate from UM, as Guest of Honor of the two events.

With the company of College Master Professor Iu Vai Pan, and Associate Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and SHEAC Fellow Professor Rose Neng Lai, Professor Robert Merton first joined the Master’s Tea at the College Library at 5:30pm. The objective of the Master’s Tea is to provide a platform for the guest and students to discuss a specific topic or certain key areas of concern in a relaxing and interactive format for more effective interaction among participants. At this Master’s Tea, Professor Merton shared with students his views on three particular aspects, including his pathway to personal and professional success, the world economy and financial market, as well as university life and career planning. In response to students’ multifaceted queries, Professor Merton used terms and examples that were common in daily life so that students could comprehend the discussed concepts more easily and relate more effectively to the discussion.

Wesley Lao (Year 4 Financial Controllership) played “Dream Wedding” and two other improvised piano pieces. 劉永業同學表演了《夢想婚禮》及兩首即興鋼琴作品。

Wesley Lao (Year 4 Financial Controllership) played “Dream Wedding” and two other improvised piano pieces.

At the beginning of the High Table Dinner, College Master Professor Iu gave a brief opening remark, and introduced Professor Robert Merton, the Guest of Honor, as well as the participating Fellows, among who were Dr. Hoi Pui Man, Maggie (Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences) and Dr. Brian J. Hall (Faculty of Social Sciences), both of whom recently joined SHEAC.

After the welcome speech of the College Master, Professor Merton delivered an insightful speech to the audience. In particular, he mentioned, “success largely depends on good luck, but hard-working people tend to have more good luck.” His liberality and modesty impressed everyone at the dinner.

Janet Li (Year 1 English) performed a violin solo “Meditation”. 李文嘉同學表演《沉思曲》小提琴獨奏。

Janet Li (Year 1 English) performed a violin solo “Meditation”.

More than 200 smartly-dressed students attended the dinner. Such a glamorous night was embellished not only with delicate dishes and good wine, but also with solo performances by students. Miss Wu Yang, a member of the recently established SHEAC Student Ambassador Team, served as the emcee at this High Table Dinner. Miss Janet Li and Mr. Robin Liu each brought to the audience a violin solo, respectively, “Meditation” and “Csardas”. Mr. Wesley Lao played “Dream Wedding” and two other improvised pieces on the new grand piano.

Professor Robert Merton and College Master Professor Iu had photos taken with one of the student performers Mr. Robin Liu after the dinner. 羅伯特‧默頓教授、院長姚偉彬教授與晚宴表演學生劉乃斌同學合照。

Professor Robert Merton and College Master Professor Iu had photos taken with one of the student performers Mr. Robin Liu after the dinner.

After the dinner, many students and fellows stayed behind to take photos together, and grabbed this rare opportunity to also take photos with Professor Merton. The High Table Dinner not only provided a relaxing opportunity for students who were busy revising for the final examinations, but also fostered closer interaction among students and between students and teachers, so that students could gain social skills and experiences in various aspects of life.

By: Zhang Tianjiao, Sofia, Year 1 Psychology Student (Chinese)


Professor Robert Merton, College Master, Fellows, and students lined up for a group photo. 羅伯特‧默頓教授、書院院長以及一眾書院資深導師和同學們整整齊齊來一張大合照。

Professor Robert Merton, College Master, Fellows, and students lined up for a group photo.

院長茶聚暨第二次高桌晚宴 ─ 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主羅伯特‧C‧默頓教授應邀出席作榮譽嘉賓


Professor Robert Merton discussed with students questions related to aspects such as global economy, personal growth, and university life. 羅伯特·默頓教授與同學們談及世界經濟、個人成長大學生活等多方面的問題。

Professor Robert Merton discussed with students questions related to aspects such as global economy, personal growth, and university life.



Robin Liu (Year 1 Electrical & Computer Engineering) played a violin solo “Csardas”. 劉乃斌同學表演《查爾達什舞曲》小提琴獨奏。

Robin Liu (Year 1 Electrical & Computer Engineering) played a violin solo “Csardas”.

院長致歡迎辭後,羅伯特‧默頓教授也向我們作了精闢的演説。 其中,他提到:「成功很大程度上取決於好的運氣,但是勤勞的人往往會有更多好運氣。」演講過程中他的大方與謙遜深深令在座的每一個人折服。



撰寫:心理學一年級學生 張天嬌(中文)